In Osogbo, an Okada rider has been confirmed dead for being impatient and disobeying traffic rules. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Whatsapp Dead Okada man According to a Facebook user, who disclosed that “the Okada rider was very impatient with a Man O War client he was carrying to his point of destination met with death in front of the PDP Secretariat, Ogo Oluwa, Osogbo after an officer (those ones that wears yellow uniforms) managing traffic at the point waved him to a stop but he refused.
Okada man was very impatient with a Man O War client he was carrying to his point of destination met with death in front of the PDP Secretariat, Ogo Oluwa, Osogbo after an officer( those ones that wears yellow uniforms) managing traffic at the point waved him to a stop but he refused. Not up to five seconds after he disobeyed the traffic official’s directive that he obeyed the call of the angel of death after another on-coming Okada that had the right of way and was on top speed ran into him, he fell off his bike, hit his head on the tarred road and became history.” PAY
However, the Man O War officer only sustained bruises on his left arm as the men of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), immediately carried the corpse of the Okada rider. RIP!
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